GDP Artist Spotlight Q&A

Greg did a little Q&A with the Des Moines Music Coalition ahead of Gross Domestic Product (which the band is playing on November 23rd).

How did you get started?
I’ve been playing in various bands since I was a teenager (The Wheelers, Night Stories, The Slats) and wanted to get a new project going to play songs more in line with my personal tastes. Started teaching Jill songs I was writing and played with a few different drummers before Hutch came into the picture, then everything just seemed to click and we’ve been getting weird around the Midwest ever since.

When did you know you wanted to play music?
When I attended a punk house show in Cedar Rapids and realized how far out and expressive music could really be.

How did the members meet?
Well, Jill and I met in college, started dating and now we’re married. I met Hutch at the barber shop, he was cutting my hair.

Where is your dream venue to play?
Any venue where people want to listen to our music. We’d like to go on a tour on the coast eventually.

What is your favorite Des Moines venue to play?
Vaudeville Mews. The sense of community present at that venue is probably the biggest thing holding our scene together. Plus, they have Schlitz.

Whats your favorite kind of music to listen to? And why?
My musical tastes are all over the board, but at the end of the day I probably listen to garage/punk music the most regularly.

What is your favorite place to eat in Des Moines?
We go to The Library quite often.

What is your advice to younger artists?
Keep practicing, keep writing and travel whenever you can.

Who are local artists that inspire you?
As far as active bands in state… Would have to go with Traffic Death, CR Dicks, Ramona and the Sometimes, Closet Witch and Quick Piss.